Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal Entry #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Entry #3 - Essay Example That is the reason why we have the law, a set of principles, duties and obligations articulated by the peoples’ representatives. Because people are essentially different, not everybody agrees with the law; but for the law to work, everybody must abide by it. Yes, it is true that in this great country of ours, each person is free to abide by the dictates of his conscience; but this has a limit, and the limit is fixed by law. If people were excused from following the law because they did not believe in it, then the law would be useless, and anarchy would result. The latin maxim, Dura lex sed lex, is thus highly appropriate in this regard; it means, â€Å"The law may be harsh; but it is the law.† When a country is made up of people of the same race, religion, cultural background, and other such attributes, then the conflict among them would fall along personal traits. But where differences in race, religion, cultural background, and other such attributes exist, then there is added basis by which to perceive imagined injustices. The affirmative action law, however, is different in that it makes the differences in racial, cultural, or even gender attributes the basis for making a favourable decision on employment. No longer is it just to state that â€Å"no distinction must be made,† bit that a distinction should be made precisely on that basis, except where the distinction used to be negative because of prejudice, it is now mandated to be positive by force of law. This is where injustice is alleged. In the bigger picture, however, it appears that at least for now, we do need affirmative action. Even today, our managers in multinational corporations still harbor, sometimes unintentionally, stereotypical images of people who differ in race, creed or nationality (Egan & Benedick, 2008, p. 388). The hardwiring of centuries of cultural programming have ingrained in the privileged

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